The Apple Watch Series 6 & SE l The Apple Watch Series 6 & SE

  - I've been daily driving the Apple Watch Series 5 for many months now, but the Series 6 is aboutas unexcited as I've been for a daily driver update in my memory. Now part of it is thatthe Apple Watch Series 6 is just not a very big update. So you get the new S6 processor, but from what I've seenpeople talking about so far, daily use is pretty much unchanged. You get an altimeter so youcan tell how high you are. 

You get, actually, that would be a usefulfeature for a lot of people. You get a blood oxygen monitor. Although there's a fairbit of debate as to you know, how accurate it is. And you get a brighter always on display. Now I'm a big fan of always on displays. And in fact, that's one of the reasons that I wear an Apple WatchSeries 5 on the daily. Not because I daily drive an iPhone. I happen to be dailydriving an iPhone right now cause I'm working on my 12 Pro review. But normally I don't. I just use it as a watch. And it's sort of my, it's my protest against the deplorable state of Android wearables. If Android device makerscould make a better one then I would switch to that. This device serves no purpose other than for me to tell the time. Now, technically it does still have all the same fitness tracking capabilities that it would if it werepaired to an iPhone. It's just that I find themquite frankly, pretty useless. Half the time I'm in the middleof a really intense workout. I'm moving around a turn, my heart rate is atlike 185 and it's like, "Hey, why don't you stand up for a bit"? And the other half the time I'm driving and it's like, "Great workout, Linus. Keep it up." Okay. 

The stupid part is, again, back to the deplorable state of Android wearables, my experience with it has beenbetter than any other one, as far as fitness tracking goes. All right, let's open this puppy up. Wow. That's a, huh, that's an Apple watch, all right. One thing I would have beenreally happy with though is the quality of this justlike generic fabric strap that they include. I guess I shouldn't call it generic. For a Velcro like material this has held up incredibly well to, I guess, almost a year of use. Like it still works justexactly like the day I got it. And it's not all fuzzy on thespot where it always sticks. - [David] It's called Vel-pro. - Vel Pro and then there's Vel SE. It's like, not quite as good. - [David] Yeah. - Okay, we've currently got 44. Wow. Oh crap. If this Series 5 wasn't greasy, it would be quite hardto tell the difference. Okay, it's got, I've got a matte finish, matte finish on the Series 6. 

Other than that, these thingsare darn near identical. You got the one button. You've got the crown. You still got the littlered accent on the crown. Same watch strap attachment mechanism. I love that this is tool less. Like that is a, that is a big deal not having to fiddle aroundwith a little weird tool or screwdriver or anything like that. Like why did that take thewatch industry, you know, 200 years or whatever? One other key giveaway actually, is if you look at thesensor array on the back it does look a little bit different. So the Series 6 the altimeteris obviously not something that needs to go rightup against your skin, but the blood oxygen monitorpresumably is part of this new and updated looking sensor array. There's some software updates too. First, let's pair it to the phone though. Start pairing. I love this process so much. Oh, that's cool. So set up for a family member. This is interesting. One of the new software features that they launched with the Series 6 is the ability to buy anApple Watch for your kid instead of having themequipped with a cell phone and then you can set itup as a managed device. So I thought that was pretty neat. I love this. This is Apple's fancy QR code.

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They should call it the Applewrist ornament that is blank, except when you do the silly gesture and they shouldn't be allowedto call it a watch at all. That was one of the big things that made me super happyabout the Series 5, was that it finally hadan always on display. So if you want to savea hundred bucks or so this is an option, butpersonally I would go out and try and find a secondhandSeries 5 so you get that always on display because otherwise the onlydifference here is that this one has the altimeterand the Series 5 doesn't. So unless you do a whole lotof like high vertical biking or jogging or whatever. Or else I don't see a ton of value to it. Oh, that's interesting. Oh, I saw some claimingonline that as part of Apple's eco-friendly policyof not including charters, there was no charger included, but you do get the wirelesslike dock thing for it. It's just that you don't get a wall wart. But I actually thought therewas no wall wart included with the previous one. So I am not sure what totell you guys about that, other than that thereis no wall wart included if you were expecting one. But with something likethe watch, honestly, it doesn't really bother me that much. By the time you're the kind of person that has like wearable devices, I would expect you to prettymuch have a USB charging hub or even a wireless, like multi wireless docksitting on your nightstand. Neat, I haven't touchedthe Apple Watch app in quite some time. 

So I can change my colors. Ooh, look at that. I've changed my colors. I can change the backgroundof the watch face. Hello? Oh, nice. This unicorn is tremendous though. I would like a pink unicorn. Oh, you can't change thecolor of the unicorn, only the background. Dang it Apple. Since there weren't a lot of groundbreaking hardware updates, it makes sense to focus moreon the software updates. So there's a sleep tracker now. It'll tell you how long you were in bed and how long you slept for. Although it doesn't have quite the same amount of information as some other third partysleep tracking softwares. That actually ties in really nicely with the slightly faster charger. It'll apparently fullycharge in about two hours meaning that you can kind of, you know, sip charge it here andthere in order to try and take advantage of thosesleep tracking features. They've got some new fitness features. So you can have preset workouts now. And there's apparentlya hand-washing timer. I wanna find that, like handwashing, handwashing app, David. Apple Watch can detect whenyou're washing your hands and start a 2O second timer. Can I get some sound effects here? (David and Jono makingrunning water sounds) You're not doing well enough. You're not doing a good enough job. (indistinct) Nope. - [David] Does it need to get wet? - Yeah, maybe it needs to get wet., I need a water bottle. Here we go. I'm turning on the top. Right there, oh, slowly, slowly. We gotta make it last for a bit. 

It's got to start a Siri. Why is Siri coming up right now? Yeah, we're just about out of water now. Okay. All right, well it was worththe shot, thanks Brendan. - Sure. - Fitness plus service is coming. So it's going to be like fitness tracking and workout videos. I mean, good luck with that. Let's go ahead and try theblood oxygen measurement. How do I do it, like now? - [David] Ahh, someoneshould strangle you. - Ahhh, Wow. Tell me how you really feel. Oh, here it is, blood oxygen. Tracking my blood oxygen 98%. Ouch. - [David] Three. - Well, how many is that? That's gotta be six already.- No that's three. (technical team laughing) - Four.- Yeah. Come on. (Linus breathing heavily) And this, this is why my Apple Watch that I do daily drive is not connected to anything. If you can't trust it, how can you make like personal healthdecisions based on it? If it works a third of the time. My blood pressure is probably going up just being frustrated bythis thing not working right. To be clear, Apple's not pitching the blood oxygen thingas it's a medical device. They're saying that it's like, well, it's there. It's not like FDA approvedor anything like that. It's just it's in there. - [Jono] Can we use an AppleWatch with and Android device? - No, unfortunately you can't. 

That's one of the things I'd really like to see Apple clue into at some point that customers who don't buy it right or buy the entire ecosystemare still potential customers. I would actually love to use an Apple Watchwith my Android phone. That could be an amazing experience. There's a lot of things thatI love about what Apple does and the watch is frankly, one of them. I mean, the hardware is just, even though they've barelytouched this design in like what? Five years or six years or whatever it is, it's still so much better than what anyone who's not cloningApple is doing that. I, yeah, I would, I would absolutely love to use an Apple Watchwith my Android phone. So there's not a lot new here, which has some peoplequestioning the need for Apple to even continue with annual releases. But I think I can probablyprovide some insight into that. One of the things that we'vediscovered running, is that one of the best promotional things that you can do is launch a new product. It works way betterthan offering a discount or a shipping promotion or even conventional marketing, because that's what gets people interested and talking like what's new? Not like what already existed, but is probably a goodproduct and good value? So even though the new Apple Watch just has a slightly better processor, slightly brighter ambient display, it's about the same price. So yeah, I guess better is better. I'm not gonna complain about it. 

And I understand why they're doing it so that we'll all talk about it. Cause I wasn't going tomake another video about the Series 5, right? And yet here I am with the Series 6, even though it's like, eh. - [Jono] And the SE. - And the SE. Yeah, but the SE doesn'thave an always on display so it's not a watch.- Oh, really? - Yeah, it's the stupidgesture nonsense again. So subscribe to Short Circuit for more casual videos like this, where we, you know, go throughhand washing simulation, hand washing simulator. Here, let's try it again. Let's try again. No, we're not going to try it again. Okay, I'm going to try. I'm going to try it one more time. One more time without the water. You ready, David? - [David] Yep. - Yeah, Jono, can you dothe sound effects for me? Hold on. Hold on. - [David] Ask him whether it's automatic. - Did I turn the faucet, Jono? - [Jono] I'm sorry, it's automatic. - Okay, okay, you ready? (Jono making running water sounds) - [Jono] Where is the soap? (Jono laughing) - We're trying here. The smiling fricking unicorn taunting me. 

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