Mi 10T Series 5G - 108 megapixels, havewe gotten to the point where there's just too many megapixels for one man to handle? Probably not. This is the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro, it features a 144 Hertzdisplay that peaks at 650 nits and can handle 500 nits sustained, that's what it's rated for. It's got a Snapdragon 865 processor, a 5000 watt battery, with upto a 33 watt fast charging, and it comes with areally cheap, crappy case. Look at that. Hey, it's a really good thingthis is a popular phone brand with lots of access tothird party accessories. (laughs) Got 'em. What else we got in here? They include a fast charger, a type C 2.0 headphone jack adapter, as well as a type C cable, and of course, the phone itself.

Now the things that I'm mostinterested in here today are of course, the 108 megapixel camera, as well as, this is one ofthe big ones that Xiaomi is touting for this model, the stabilized, yes my friends, opticallystabilized 8K video recording on this puppy. The Gorilla Glass 5 on the front and back doesn't do anything forthe fingerprint resistance, unfortunately, but at leastit's quick to clean off. It has gotten to the point nowwhere like every phone brand manages to do just a reallygreat job of the fit and finish of their devices. Look at this thing, thatis a really cool color, it's kinda hard for you guys to see, but it's like a dark, kindof like a black mirror, like it could just consumeyour whole life, you know? We've got three cameras, soa 108 megapixel main shooter right here, then a 13 megapixelultra wide, as well as a just five megapixel macro camera. The front shooter isI think 20 megapixels, so it's a hole punch camera, and that's really interesting, so there's kind of anouter ring around it, but I think the hole punchitself, yeah, is really small, that's very interesting.

Insert you SIM card, how about not? Classic or limitless? Help me choose, Brandon. - [Brandon] Classic. - Classic? Oh, screwing up everything, I screwed up everything. Setup complete, you're ready to rock, wow, that was a verypainless setup process. Good job, Xiaomi. Now one of their schtickson the display here is that it features adaptive sync, so you can run it at 30 fps,48, 60, 90, 120, and 144 Hertz, and based on the contentthat you're consuming, it should know which one isgoing to be most optimal, both from a power draw perspective, as well as from a contentenjoyment perspective. One thing that weirds me outabout that though is like, Brandon, did you noticeanything missing there? - [Brandon] No, sorry, what? - 24 fps. - [Brandon] Oh, yeah. - Why is there no 24 Hertz support? So I just want to see ifmaybe my documentation for the phone has got that wrong, and maybe there's somethingthat I can do here to know. Okay, not at all. Wow, this is actually a reallyhelpful little demo though. Like you can really see that difference.

That is what 60 Hertz looks like. 90 looks a lot better, and144 Hertz is like yeah, you really want to takeadvantage of that Snapdragon 865 processor or whatever,and the handful of games that you're gonna beable to run at 144 fps. You go for that. If it was me, I'd probablyrun 90 Hertz the vast majority of the time, it really makes a difference, but without quite the hitto your power consumption. Whatever, let's leave it on144 Hertz for the sake of, well, I guess we better get on the WiFi. Tap to share password feature, real nice. It is amazing how far the thirdparty Androids can succumb to the point where even the Chinese ones I don't immediatelylook at them and go oh, I'd rather have stock Android, 'cause they actuallyhave meaningful features that you might not find on the stock Android experience. On the right we've got our lock button, and that doubles as a fingerprint sensor, does it have a double click for camera? No, well, it locks andunlocks really fast, so I guess that's cool, but, oh, you can double tapthe volume down though, that'll get your camera open.

I'll accept that, I'mvery fond of that gesture. On the top, we've gotis that an IR blaster? Actually kind of looks like one, but I don't see one in my, oh, it does! You wanna use that, you knowthat universal remote app or whatever that maybesome developer somewhere is actually still workingon, in spite of the fact that IR blasters are basically dead, this is your phone. Over on the left side, we'vegot a whole lot of nothing. And then on the bottom,we've got your SIM tray, type C, oh, let's see if there'sa micro SD tray in there. Get wrecked, Linus, butit does have dual SIM. How close in touch can I get if I have a 108 megapixel camera? I just wanna take a quick picture here Okay, all right, it's zoom a loom time.

No that ain't bad, fairbit of noise out here. Of course, when you havea high megapixel sensor, a lot of the time, thosepixels are very very small, so there's a very goodchance that we're not taking proper advantage of it unless we are somewherewith a ton of light. So one moment please, I'mma head outside. So I got a revelation for you, Brandon. 108, it's a lot of pixels. So under ideal lighting conditions, like dang, look at that, youcan get all the way in there. Now normally you won't haveideal lighting conditions, so it becomes more of just like a race to who can have the most pixel megas, but let's have a lookat this 8K video here. That's not bad. How interesting. The other highlights of the phone, in no particular order,are its support for 5G, although only in non-standalone mode, which for now shouldn'tbe a major concern, 'cause I don't thinktoo many mobile carriers are moving straight to standalone only 5G.

Also of course, theconfigurations that it comes in, so 128, or 256 gigs of storage, and of course, their X axislinear vibration motor, which I actually don't knowexactly what they mean by that in terms of the tech they're using, but what I will say istheir haptic feedback feels a lot better thanI would have expected from a brand like Xiaomi, even just a couple short years ago. It's not in line with youknow, obviously something like Taptic just yet, butit's also not far off, like there's too much vibrationkinda throughout the phone, it doesn't feel quitelike it's just the screen, but boy, is it ever a lotbetter than it used to be. I wanna say that the displaydid look really good outside, no readability issues. And the last thing I want totry is apparently it's got dual speakers, but how do they sound? (upbeat music) Uh, initial impressions, not great. Let's try a couple year old flagship and see if maybe I'm just imagining that that doesn't sound very good. (upbeat music) - [Brandon] That sounded a lot better. - Yeah, it sounded a lot better.

Yeah, that's a muddled mess, got some work to do there. In fairness, of course, Xiaomihas a much, much skinnier speaker port here, but like, I don't know, on a certain level, I don't care, like you make these decisions,you make these trade offs, so you have to live with the consequences. It doesn't sound very good. I'm sorry, that's kind ofthe cold hard truth of it. If you're not the kind ofperson who uses your phone as a boombox, like okay,sure, like whatever, that's fine, it's just it is something that you should be aware of. This shot's very good,it's definitely working, so it's HDR 10 certified,why is it in 480 phdr? Stop. On that subject, can Itake a moment to appreciate that this is a 1080pdisplay, or a 1080p plus, and that no one cares? I am so glad that thedisplay density race is over, because you're not gonna beable to tell the difference unless you have absolutely eagle eyes, past 1440p, and even 1080 atthis size looks really good. And all it does is addmore power consumption, so you can push enoughlight through the panel, or I guess, in the case of an OLED, that's not really the case.

So potentially more power consumption, and push your processor harder, so more power consumption in that way, it's just no benefit. So the Mi 10T Pro 5G then, solid mix of high refresh rate display, high performance processor, really sharp camera under theright lighting conditions, and of course, a juicy battery,but for better or for worse, you're stuck with Xiaomi'sskin, and it is a little bit on the chonk side,especially when you factor in that gigantic camera bump. So that's it, subscribefor more short circuit, just like this one, it'sshort and circuitous. No, you can't be both shortand circuitous, can you? - [Brandon] What's circuitous? - Like, goes aroundand around, and around. Yeah. - [Brandon] No. - No, that's yeah, maybewe even thought of that.
Very nice ����
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